This guide will be written to help you maintain your wall to wall wool carpet. It is not meant for wool Oriental rugs. These types of rugs may have free dye that will lose blood or crock. I recommend that you have these rugs taken up a rug plant who specializes in wool rugs. Oriental rugs should never be washed at your home since the dies may bleed. If you do decide to spot clean your Oriental area rug, make sure you test every color separately for color fastness. You may have 10 colors in your carpet and only one will bleed. rugs galore You test with regard to color fastness by taking the white cotton bath towel that has been dipped using a small amount of wool secure cleaner, and then clamping the actual towel on each and every color separately.

If you have recently purchased a made of wool carpet please go to your pantry which holds all your carpet cleaning spotters and also throw them away. Never make use of a soap or carpet cleaning service chemical on wool carpet unless it provides a PH between Four. round area rugs 5 and 8-10. 5. To be entirely safe you could keep below a Ph of 7 (neutral and will not cause the dyes to be able to bleed) or search for your carpet cleaning merchandise at http://www. fernmark. com. Be especially careful of employing bleach products around your wool carpet. Bleach will actually break up wool carpet and then leave you with a large hole. Bleach is a great way to test your floor covering for wool content if your not sure if your carpet has made of wool in it. Now that we now have discussed what not to do, we can establish how you can better maintain your made of woll carpet.

Vacuum normally as you can. This is akin to washing your hair. The number of days a week would you skip washing your hair Only use low Ph cleaners. Using over-the-counter products on wool carpets is like making use of Tide on your hair! High PH products will break down the actual cuticle or difficult scaly surface that holds the soluble fiber together. Breaking down the cuticle would leave us with a fuzzy chaos. area rugs home depot When using a wool safe product -- blot. Scrubbing may also cause the fiber in order to fuzz out. I also recommend that you blot up the wool safe spotter with an acidic wash ( 1 part white vinegar 3 part h2o). This will remove any residue and leave the actual wool fiber a bit acidic which will help keep up with the wools softness. You also want to pace dry your made of woll carpet. If the floor covering takes too long in order to dry it can change yellow or brown. Using too high any PH cleaner on your wool carpet can also turn the materials brown or yellow-colored. We call this PH browning.

In conclusion vacuum as often as you can. Spot clean with wool safe products. Bare rinse with an acidic rinse and never use bleach (causes wool to dissolve) or products with a large PH. Have the carpets cleaned with a professional at least once a year by a professional carpet cleaner who uses wool safe items. For more information on carpets, carpet cleaning service, carpet repair, water damage and mold, allergies please go to